Halfway through the Con X Tech Challenge

Halfway through the Con X Tech Challenge and the ChimpFace team is hard at work labeling (drawing boxes around) hundreds of chimpanzee photographs to build an algorithm to detect wildlife trafficking on the Internet.
Send us a message if you want to learn more or get involved!
Send us a message if you want to learn more or get involved!
What platform are you using for labeling? We are currently using Supervisely but are curious to learn about other options.
Hi Miguel - we are using RectLabel (https://rectlabel.com/) and it seems to be meeting our needs so far. Would love to learn more about what you are working on.
Supervisely is useful for us as a way to collaborate with multiple volunteers on an open platform. It also has some semi-automated ways of fixing/prioritizing things. But in the (hopefully near) future, we plan to use Zooniverse.