Reef Star

Unknown profit model, Unknown IP model, Market Shaping Phase, Eager to add new members
Bio-inspired living shorelines ornamentation

The Problem

Reconcile the lost ecological functions of oyster and coral reef declines. Restore habitat for biodiversity in anthropogenically dominated coastlines Revitalize the urban waterfronts Stabilize shorelines Enhance fishery productivity Buffer ocean acidification by using CaCO3 in manufacturing materials

Our Proposal

The Reef Star is algorithmically generated site specific geometry. We will uses coded seascapes factoring in local species, bio-geochemistry, and hydrodynamic forces to inform a parametric model. The parametric model will then determine the best material properties for the site, which then is used to determine the fabrication method and size of the Reef Star unity. Reef Stars in acidic zones will use D-shape 3d printing technology used for artificial reefs. Reef Stars in productive restoration areas for Corals and Oysters will be built using CNC molds and Calcium Carbonate provided by Grow Oyster Reefs.

We Assume that...

That we have the social capacity to unite on projects

Constraints to Overcome

Ability to work with government agencies such as NOAA, NFWF, USACE and local NGOs

Current Work

The parametric Reef Star modeling algorithm is nearly complete. The next steps are to develop a method for coding LiDar bathymetry with seascape physical, social, and ecological parameters. This will allow the Reef Star algorithm in Grasshopper 3d to generate optimized forms based on site specific conditions. In spring 2021 we will apply for a NFWF coastal resilience grant to prototype our concept at a stretch of privately owned coastline in Puerto Rico. We will also have the possibility to pursue the NSF iCorps program at Oregon State University, to test proof of concepts at the OSU wave lab.

Current Needs

Ocean Optimism
