New Soil cultivation machine

For profit, Closed IP, Market Shaping Phase, Eager to add new members
We change the way soil is treated in the crop fields. The project involves development of an innovative machine which will turn a 4 inch thick layer of soil upside- down

The Problem

The environment conservation problem which especially our region i.e South Asia is facing. Is the uncontrolled and unscientific burning of previous crop residue, especially wheat and rice crop stubble. Which causes a havoc on the local environment. The stubble is put on fire by the local farmers to clear the fields for further crops. As the region is most densely populated regions in the world. Considering the large crop densities and almost 200 percent cropping cycle. The problem of burning of the crop stubble aggravates to the extent .That during peak season the air quality index in most of cities like Delhi, Amritsar in India becomes severe. It causes respiratory diseases to millions of people in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. In order to provide quick and easiest fix to manage previous crop residue, the farmers just use a match stick to the set fire to the residue. Despite many efforts from the national and provincial governments. Previous crop Stubble burning is still prevailing in the region. When we consulted some of the farmers and tried to find the reason. The main reason comes out that they burn stubble because it is very difficult to cultivate soil in the field if the stubble is present in the field. All conventional soil cultivation machines like tillers, rotor tillers, disc harrows are ineffective. Also some new technologies developed by government agencies like happy seeder is also finding it difficult to find favour with the farmers.So we invented new machine

Our Proposal

The proposed solution is provided by the machine to place a sliced slab of soil ( 5 inch thick) in inverted or overturned manner in the crop field (Patent Pending). This is done in a very precise manner. So that a soil slab of uniform thickness is sliced from the field and raised to certain height with the help of a conveyor. Then it is cut breadth wise by a reciprocating slicer according to the width of the sliced soil slab tray. The same is pushed on self leveling rectangular soil slab tray . The receiving position of sliced soil slab tray allows it remain intermittently stationary and stable with the help unique design of the tray, rotating shaft to which trays are hinged and pusher. Then after receiving the soil slab the rotating main shaft responsible to rotate the tray starts rotating. The trays are connected to the main shaft with the help of hinged joints with help of solid links. In this way the soil slab placed on the soil tray got transferred from the receiving position to the flipping position in partially or fully structurally intact shape. Without any breakage of the soil from the slab due to rotation. At flipping position mechanical dogs are strategically positioned. Which overturns the tray. Then soil slab got redeposited in field in overtuned manner. The crop residue which is resting on top of soil slab got buried beneath the 5 inch thick soil slab when it is overturned. The machine provides clear field for next crop sowing and better stubble management.

We Assume that...

Stubble is uniformly distributed over the field, Burying the stubble will provide better soil health and better weed management in tge crop field.

Speed of operation and operating cost of the machine will be better to the conventional methods,

Type of soil in field will be alluvial as found in most of the affected region.

There will sufficient moisture in soil to facilitate soil slab stability and seed germination thereafter.

There will be enough support from the government and its agencies in terms of initilal purchasing of the machine, providing subsidy to the farmers for buying the machine.

The problem of soil compaction will be reduced by using this machine.

After overturning the soil slab a uniform suface will be ready for direct seed drilling.

Constraints to Overcome

Behavior change of the farmers to adopt the new technology. The farmers will be motivated to use tge new technology. They will be shown live demonstration of the machine. They will be educated that hiw this method of soil cultivation improves soil health, better weed management along with providing better previous crop residue management. Technological barriers will be overcome that will come during the design and manufacturing if the machine. Economical barriers interms of fixed and operating cost of the machine will be compared with conventional methods of soil cultivation and stubble management.

Current Work

Product design is ready, Prototype building will be the next step, then testing in actual field situations, product refinement and retesting.

Current Needs

Prototype building, Field testing using a siutable tractor
