
Unknown profit model, Unknown IP model, Product was developed over a hackathon. It is an end to end system., Not accepting new members
An interactive Platform that demystifies wildlife laws for the general public and tracks Buyers and Sellers through anonymous data for Law enforcement Agencies.

The Problem

Zoohackathon 2018 Problem Statement 1 - Demystifying laws for General Public Problem Statement 4 - Tracking Endangered animals and their products

Our Proposal

The proposed solution is ClawNet. It is an interactive platform that creates overlays on public domain websites after keyword analysis and price anomaly detection with simplified Laws. The Laws are simplified using Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning. We also identified when the user was on a marketplace website and if flagged, which product was flagged. Using this, we were able to get seller information and their previous sales and followers allowing us to track potential trade routes for law enforcement agencies to search for. The Law enforcement agency data was done through anonymous data tracking from users on public domain websites thus solving any data privacy problems that could arise.

We Assume that...

Constraints to Overcome

Unavailability of Data, Demystifying Laws

Current Work

Current Needs

Meetings with professionals in the field of Zoology and Endangered Animal Trafficking
