Bloom Bloom Pow

Hybrid profit model, Unknown IP model, Market Shaping Phase, Open to new members
Bloom Bloom Pow is a double-pronged solution to algal blooms consisting of seagrass bedding and clay adsorption.

The Problem

Algal Blooms causing dead zones

Our Proposal

Our solution to the problem covers two perspectives. The first of these is the introduction of sea grass beds to fix nitrogen and phosphorous and oxidize the downstream water. This should reduce the conditions leading to algal blooms. The second of these is more reactive to combat algal blooms when they do occur. This comes by flocculation of dinoflagellates to clay particles distributed on the water surface, which sink to the seabed and kill off the algae cells.

We Assume that...

Relatively uniform river bed

Adequate warning for algal blooms

Constraints to Overcome

The problem is very complex, with multiple components. This issue in particular relies on relatively new techniques and discoveries.

Current Work

Current Needs
