Chainsaw Detection

Unknown profit model, Unknown IP model, Market Shaping Phase, Eager to add new members
Listening to the noise of chainsaws in the forest and learning which of them belong to people who are wrongfuly removing valuable endangered trees.

The Problem

One critical problem that is not usually faced by general purpose sensoring methodologies is the selective removal of endangered species of trees from the forest. These are not large scale deforestation, but still have a huge impact in local ecosystems and the very existence of some specific species.

Our Proposal

Set up a mesh network of many smart audio sensors that can identify patterns associated with chainsaws, and then triangulate the approximate position of them. Over time, the network will even be able to learn the specific patterns of individual chainsaws of vetted neighbours.

We Assume that...

chainsaws have a particular audio pattern

with enough sensors, we can roughly estimate the location of audio source

Constraints to Overcome

There are many. We need to develop sensors that are both affordable and autonomous enough to be scaled. The best possible scenario would be to have hundreds of mesh sensors talking to each other, and sending alerts whenever a chainsaw is identified.

Current Work

Current Needs
