cloud dna

Unknown profit model, Open source, Validation Phase, Open to new members
Scaning DNA of fished animals and compare them with a data base to know if they are natural or produced.

The Problem

extinction of animal sea-life. People in supermarket do not know if the fish is coming from industry or voting to the extintion of the animal life they are buying and many others that die in the process to get that one. The customer do not know if the food they buy is coming from an over quote that the fisherman was able to do.

Our Proposal

to reduce the legal cuote of fishing, letting the final client to know if the food they eat is coming from nature or from industry. Tagging the DNA of the species can provide a code easily identified and get a reward uploading the codes from food thats doing conservation. Tracking the DNA solve the problem of the quotas that the country have and fishers try to jump, allowing the final customer to know that the fish they are buying could have been stole from an over quote.

We Assume that...

the webpage of dna will not disapear

we will be able to fullfit more dna code first from species that are on supermarkets

we will be able to add the products to a webpage and app

we wil be able to add the label to the products that want to let the people know

we will be able to get enough rewards to convince people that are harder to convince

wont appear artificial protein

Constraints to Overcome

illumina is the machine that produce the DNA code, the price was going down since appear and i think that now is the moment to digitalize the animal life and provide the knowledge to the population, to let them choose more than let the law regulate when the conservations is done. The big breakthrough will be to produce sea protein from artificial way or insect and vegetables, then reduce species wont be a problem.

Current Work

move the data base from internet to a big data with blockchain to tokenize them

Current Needs

a server in digital ocean, dna illumina quemicals, find a way to digitize more easy
