Plastic Tracking App

Hybrid profit model, Unknown IP model, Market Shaping Phase, Eager to add new members
An App to follow the journey of Plastic Packaging as a Service (PPaaS)

The Problem

Presently, the companies that produce the raw materials to make, sell, distribute, collect, broker and process plastic products and packaging disassociate themselves from their products as soon as they are bought by their customer. The plastic value chain currently ignores their responsibility for the preventable end-of-life result of their plastic materials: they become plastic waste and pollution. Very little of the empirical work needed to trace materials flow exists in the area of plastics recycling, in part because of a lack of data. And in the area of plastics waste, we have perhaps the most egregious misuse of claims that recycling is going to address problems related to pollution and climate change. Without data on “actual amounts and origin of materials used as inputs,” it is not possible to evaluate the actual effect of plastics recycling on conserving such inputs. Incorrect information due to lack of data or designer bias has negative effects on all different stakeholders across the plastics value chain. The plastics supply chain (from resin producer to end-user) needs effective management in resource conservation efforts and stopping plastic waste from polluting air, water and land environments. This includes correct plastic identification from their origin, validation efforts, audit dependent monitoring, and tracing and tracking.

Our Proposal

PRAwMATTapp will use Plastic Recognition open-sourced Artificial Intelligence AI technology for the identification of all types of fossil-derived and bio-based plastics. Through AI/RFID/biomarkers/watermarks/laser tagging/Digital Identity, or a combination thereof of one or more - the app focuses on immediate plastic identification worldwide based on sample tracking and mapping of plastic flow and plastic waste across the value chain including beach and ocean cleanups. AI in the app will track down all the relevant information related to that product and packaging and display it in an entertaining way through Augmented Reality AR. 1. End-users download PRAwMATTapp for free on their phones. On their desktops and laptops, they add PRAwMATTapp to their browser. 2. At the store: When shopping for groceries, home products and personal care products the app automatically scans the product/packaging when the customer looks at the item through their phone. 3. At home (online shopping): Click on the PRAwMATTapp button during checkout and PRAwMATTapp will automatically display the same information as above. Shopping online unlocks a list of locally sourced package-free alternatives and alerts when favourite products are available in reusable packaging business models to increase participation in reducing the plastic footprint. PRAwMATTapp will help: Brands reach their goals to Recover and Recycle 100% of their Plastic Packaging Plastic end-users to reduce consumption and recycle more

We Assume that...

Scope. PRAwMATTApp has to be convenient, smart, engaging, entertaining, blockchain-enabled, easy to use and navigate, capable of real-time data exchange, and scalable.


Cost. It depends on the country or countries in which it is developed.

Uptake. Customers already have apps on their mobile devices and on their desktops that they do not use. PRAwMATTapp needs to be relevant for their everyday shopping habits.

Development. PRAwMATTapp will use √ Artificial Intelligence √ Machine Learning √ Blockchain √ Big Data √ Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality √ Internet of Things √ Behavioural Design

Usage. Utilizing Reward Learning to increase the frequency that someone uses PRAwMATTapp and Behavioural Design for persuading (and rewarding) users to reduce their plastic footprint.

Constraints to Overcome

The problem of plastic waste and pollution has been addressed with a fragmented approach since plastic mass-production first started in the 1950s. The gaps in technical knowledge include the lack of data and communication of that data between stakeholders, from stakeholders to end-users and feedback from end-users to stakeholders. One constraint is the lack of education in both industry and plastic end-users about available solutions to treat waste plastic and alternative solutions to the use of plastic. The barrier to the adoption of the PRAwMATapp as another tool in the solutions' box in the next (1) year is: Unwillingness or incapability of the upstream stakeholders to share their (fossil and bio-based) data or participate in data disclosure. The barrier in the next five (5) years would be: Inability or unwillingness by plastic-end-users to adopt the usage of the app.

Current Work

Month 1: Design. Month 2 to 6: Prototype Development (Coding & Engineering).

Current Needs

- Funding - Collaborative software for managing a worldwide-based team - Project Manager - Data scientist - Object Recognition - Machine Learning - Artificial Intelligence Engineer - Graphic designer - Application developer - Background developer - UI / UX designer - Quality control engineer - Systems administrator - Augmented Reality Architect - Augmented Reality Engineer - Hackers for the Planet - Visibility - Partnerships - We seek to actively recruit and on-board 50 people from all economic levels for Beta testing the app and provide feedback - For Beta testing the app and provide feedback, we seek 10 potential customers from the entire plastics value chain including governments as follows: 1 petrochemical resin producing company, 1 bio-based resin producing company, 1 plastic pellet producer, 1 plastic packaging producer, 1 brand, 1 retailer, 1 MRF, 1 broker, 1 recycler, 1 municipal government.
