New Innovation to mine plastic

Unknown profit model, Unknown IP model, Market Shaping Phase, Open to new members
Time to mine the waste

The Problem

The main problem of the management and processing of plastic waste is the low economic value of the results of its recycling. If processing plastic waste into products that have high economic value will spur more serious waste processing which can even reduce the habit of littering because plastic waste has high economic value.

Our Proposal

During this distillation process of processing plastic waste into oil requires a high cost so that the price of distilled oil is higher than the price of conventional oil, but if it suppresses the cost of distillation with new innovations that make the price of distillation oil production from plastic lower it will make the oil produced by plastic waste distillation have economic value. By increasing the economic value of distillation oil plastic waste will increase the economic value of plastic waste itself, so as to produce oil not only by oil mining, biogas but also by "mining waste". This is new when plastic waste has an economic value equal to oil people will mine plastic waste, plastic waste will be reduced significantly and even discharged while increasing the economic level of society. Plastic waste has run out of the community's economic level increases. This increase in economic value will increase public awareness not to litter plastic and be collected to the processing site.

We Assume that...

1. To establish a pilot project we must have sufficient supply and demand.

Constraints to Overcome

We need a pilot project to introduce this innovation and we don't think there will be any rest.

Current Work

Current Needs
